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Well this sucks…

I logged into my Huawei mobile broadband router this morning to set up the port forwarding and it said… ” Some features are unavailable in CLAT mode. “ “CLAT” mode, I’m thinking to myself ??? Well that’s a pain in the bum because I just got the X6100 connected to the LAN with the idea … Read more

Snitch Snitch is a Python tool that monitors Fail2Ban logs, detects abusive activity, and notifies netblock administrators via email. It analyzes jail-specific logs for evidence, supports custom jail configurations, logs actions to /var/log/snitch.log, and ensures professional alerts to help address potential server compromises or misuse.

SecuNX – Nginx Security Automation

Yodabytz just added a Web Application Firewall script to his portfolio. SecuNX is an automated security solution for Nginx servers, designed to enhance your website’s protection by managing IP blocklists and whitelists. It fetches malicious IP addresses from trusted sources, updates your Nginx configuration automatically, and ensures that trusted IPs are never inadvertently blocked. Additionally, SecuNX … Read more

Using SDR to build a Passive Radar

Here’s a really neat project which a mate told me about, it uses sdr dongles to build a passive radar system ! The article is not a new one but I’d managed to miss it and maybe you did too ! You’ll find the code here —–>

A new script from my favorite github coder

My fave github coder has added another useful script to his portfolio. ModSentry is a real-time log monitoring tool for analyzing security events from ModSecurity logs. It provides an intuitive terminal interface to track alerts and highlight critical incidents. IP addresses can be blocked or unblocked using iptables directly from the interface.  

Home Network Security #2

When you’re hosting your website and running your shack using your home network it’s important to keep an eye on the visitor traffic arriving at your site. There’s a lot of useful info to be gathered by reading your server log files whether they’re your webserver logs or the connection log for your hotspot, mmdvm … Read more

I’d rather use a Yaesu…

but I have to admit that this project is pretty neato ! 🙂 New open-source project transforms Android phones into ham radio transceivers