
It’s a popular term introduced to me by M6ZPS

when he used it to describe the modern amateur radio shack where every piece of equipment is a piece of modern high-tech communications equipment but also small in order to fit into the limited space of a ‘Microshack‘.

Microshacks tend to be a mixture of various types of equipment, from big budget to junkbox salvage. They utilise traditional RF sets for a variety of bands and modes but Microshacks also use modern digital equipment and of course, internet connectivity opens up the whole new world of Digital Amateur Radio and given the rate of change when it comes to modern tech, computers, android devices and the like can be re-purposed to use in the shack for monitoring or network connectivity.

You may well already know of the many and varied ways to connect into the amateur radio networks, DStar radios, Yaesu Fusion and DMR being probably the most common and very popular systems.

Microshacks using hotspots and a home or mobile broadband connection can access all of these systems and more.

Look out for more Microshack Pages in blog.


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